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university expert in advanced endodontics

sevilla - september 2023

University expert in advanced endodontics

Director: Dr. Rafael Ibañez Barranco
Start date: September 8, 2023
Number of places: 8 maximum
Training: Classroom – Seville
Type of training: University Expert

Training programe

Own degree endorsed by

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Our Expert in Advanced Endodontics is designed for our students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose, treat and resolve complications in their treatments. A very complete degree and adapted to current technological advances.

Who is it for? Graduates in Dentistry and/or Stomatology.

Program and schedule

All modules will start on Fridays at 09:00 hours and end on Saturdays at 14:00 hours. Except for the 5th module which includes Thursday afternoon.

Dates: September 8th and 9th, 2021

– Pulpo-periapical pathology: Clinic and diagnosis, periapical processes and apical cysts.
– Endodontic anatomy: Pulp cavity, number of canals, number of roots, types of canals, 3D anatomy.
– Coronal access cavity: principles, instruments and surgical technique. Ultrasound in chamber opening, access cavities, canal localization.
– Working length: Radiographic technique, electronic apex locators. Glidepath, Preflaring, Patency.
– Opening and localization of canals: Preflaring and Glidepath.
– Pain control in endodontics.
– Radiological diagnosis and periapical pathology. Isolation in endodontics.
– Success and failure in endodontics.
– Practical: Design of opening and chamber access, location of canals in extracted teeth and mounted in plaster.

Dates: October 6th and 7th

– General, biological and mechanical principles in canal preparation.
– NI-TI alloy: torsional stress, flexural stress or clinical fatigue.
– Rules for the use of rotary files.
– Biomechanical preparation with hand instruments.
– General principles of mechanic-rotational instrumentation.
– Crown-Down techniques.
– Simultaneous technique.
– Types of systems: continuous and alternating.
– Reconstruction of the endodontic tooth.
– Practical: Biomechanical preparation of canals with the different rotary systems and reconstruction in extracted teeth in plastic blocks.

Dates: November 10th and 11th

– Bacterial biofilms in endodontics.
– Endodontic microbiology.
– Intra-canal medication; One or two sessions.
– Irrigation of canals: Irrigating solutions, instruments.
– Irrigant activation system.
– Antibiotherapy and analgesics in endodontics.
– Medicolegal aspects of endodontic treatment.
– Dental traumatology (clinical cases).

Dates: December 1st and 2nd

– Canal obturation:
– Objectives, preconditions, instruments and materials.
– Filling techniques: Single cone, thermoplasticized with continuous heat wave, thermoplasticized with stem, bioceramics.
– Controversy endodontics vs implants: Implant-endodontic pathology.
– Complications and accidents in access and biomechanical preparation.
– Complications and accidents in obturation.
– Cracked tooth: Clinic, diagnosis and treatment.
– Reconstruction of the endodontic tooth with direct and indirect techniques.
– Practical: Filling of canals with thermoplastic techniques.

Dates: January 19 and 20

– Bioceramic cements.
– Root resorptions.
– Endodontic treatment in teeth with reversible pulpitis.
– Endodontic treatment in teeth with immature apex: Apicogenesis, apicoformation.
– Pulp regenerative therapy (clinical protocol).
– Internal tooth whitening.
– Radiovisiography and CBCT in endodontic diagnosis.
– TFE presentation.
– Practical: Endodontics on patient.